Category: Mindset

How Designers Can Overcome Victim-Playing Mindset

“It’s not my fault”

Blaming others is fun.

But it’s definitely not healthy.

When we fail or run into a difficult situation, our default defense mechanism is to blame something or someone.

How to Enhance your Design Capacity

I would like to share a short story that drastically improved my design capabilities.

How to receive critique

When someone critiques your work, don’t take it personally because they are not criticizing you.

Instead, they’re just sharing their opinion about a piece of craft that you happen to design.

To make the feedback session stay productive, you need to know how to receive feedback.

How to ask for help?

Do you know how to ask for help?

People mostly think that asking a question involves just you reaching out to someone and directly asking for a solution to your problem.

But have you ever considered doing your homework before asking for someone’s time?

Let there be light

When someone asks you for help at a workplace, be it your supervisor, subordinate, or colleague, don’t embarrass them.

Branding for Blockchain brands

Does creating logos and brand identity design for NFTs, Web3.0, or any Blockchain-related brand intimidate you?

Do you feel that since the technology is new and evolving, there’s not much inspiration out there?

Design ONLY for yourself.

Now, before you start lecturing me about the importance of user-centered design, just hear me out.

As a human, we naturally tend to like it when someone appreciates our efforts.

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