“I’m not a creative person”

You might have heard people say this quite often.

But these people might not know that every child is born creative.

Unfortunately, because of our systems, surroundings, or upbringing, children lose their creativity as they transition through life and into adulthood.

But once it’s “gone”, can you do something about it?

Is it really possible for a person to learn creativity and become creative again?

Yes, of course!!!

Creativity can be learned because as much as you think it’s magic, creativity is actually a skill that works like a muscle.

The more you exercise it, the bigger and stronger this muscle gets.

So, what can you do to exercise this muscle?

As a starting point, you may take the following steps that would help your creative juices flow a little bit.

  1. Go outside and interact with nature (don’t engage with your smartphone during that time)
  2. Read fiction. Even 1 page a day would suffice
  3. Travel as much as possible
  4. Meet new people and try to listen to them more than you speak
  5. Write. Just make a habit to write about random stuff. Don’t judge or think too critically of your writing skills, just write.
  6. Try to solve puzzles
  7. If possible, draw or paint random stuff. Again, don’t judge the output. Pen and paper is fine too
  8. Reduce your screen time
  9. Exercise or meditate for at least 30 minutes a day
  10. Sleep at night and take 6 to 8 hours of sleep daily
  11. Give yourself some time to goof around or even get bored
  12. Spend some time and play with little children

Add at least 1 or 2 of the above-mentioned activities to your routine because learning a skill and training your mind is a gradual process.

Depending on the health of your creative muscle, your effort to regain creativity might differ from others.

So, don’t get demotivated if it takes longer than expected.

Research suggests that it requires 10,000 hours of practice to become a master of any skill.

So, stay persistent.

Just be a better version of who you were yesterday.

Do you know any other activity that would help us learn or enhance our creativity?